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Earth's Tree News
Earth's Tree News - Monday, May 28th, 2007
Earth's Tree News - Wednesday, May 23rd, 2007
The Earth's Tree News journal can be found at:
Deane Rimerman tirelessly posts
updates on the "Earth's Tree News" several times per month. Please
subscribe to his email newsletter at:
http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/earthtreenews or by
sending an email to: earthtreenews-subscribe@lists.riseup.net
In his podcast effort, Deane picks a few key stories and gives a quick
overview. Visit his Journal page to read the full account of each story and other news from around the world.
Earth's Tree News - Monday, May 28th, 2007
====>Click to hear "Monday, May 28th, 2007"
200th / 2 year anniversary edition!
To celebrate this occasion I'm launching a sampling of news items from each edition of Earth's Tree News as a MP3 / Podcast which can be downloaded or streamed via http://www.archive.org/details/EarthTreeNews
Today for you 37 news items about Earth's trees. Location, number and subject listed below. Condensed / abbreviated article is listed further below.
Can be viewed on the web at http://www.livejournal.com/users/olyecology or
by sending a blank email message to earthtreenews-subscribe@lists.riseup.net
--British Columbia: 1) New approach to logging? 2) Saved old trees threatened again,
--Oregon: 3) Old roads need funds unless we want to drink roads
--California: 4) Rancho Guejito, 5) Mountain Thin, 6) Defending Santa Cruz county,
--Montana: 7) Second annual DeBorgia Community Wildfire Protection Work Week,
--Colorado: 8) Beetle-infested pine trees are being shredded instead of lumber,
--Pennsylvania: 9) Comments on the Brush Hollow Salvage Project
--USA: 10) ESA back in court, 11) Kids in the Woods program, 12) TIMO's own 5%,
--UK: 13) woodland enjoys exploitation renaissance, 14) Muir homes cuts forest, 15) plan to restore 1,200-acre Wharncliffe Wood,
--Armenia: 16) Teghut copper-molybdenum mine to destroy 357 hectares of forest
--Turkey: 17) 30,000 hectares of new forest growth claimed
--Tanzania: 18) Poor management and corruption in its forestry sector
--Uganda: 19) More on governments abandoned plans to log
--Mexico: 20) Forest defender shot and killed,
--Dominican Republic: 21) Forestry Agency lacks resources to stop logging
--Thailand: 22) Royal Project Foundation to save their forests
--South Korea: 23) Buildings removed for 840-year-old ginkgo worshipped by residents
--Vietnam: 24) Ancient trees in the forest are so sacred no one cuts them
--India: 25) Save the tigers and their forests,
--Malaysia: 26) No choice but to allow the logging contracts
--Indonesia: 27) Comprehensive action plan to counter anti-palm oil activists
--Philippines: 28) Defeated mayor uses city trucks to steal forest
--Fiji: 29) Community-based sustainable forest management
--New Zealand: 30) 1/3 of commercial forest are harvested is not replanted
--Australia: 31) 12 more arrests in Bodalla, 32) Seven more arrests in Gullaga, 33) Natives serve eviction notice on government in Bodalla State Forest,
--World-wide: 34) IBM and Nature Conservancy partner to save world's great rivers, 35) WWF is the world's largest ancient forest logging apologist, 36) Enviros are weak and fearful, 37) Global Carbon Project,
Copyright © 2006, 2007 Earth's Tree News, All Rights Reserved.
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Earth's Tree News - Wednesday, May 23rd, 2007
====>Click to hear "Wednesday, May 23rd, 2007"
Wednesday, May 23rd, 2007
199 - Earth's Tree News
Today for you 39 news items about Earth's trees. Location, number and subject listed below. Condensed / abbreviated article is listed further below.
Can be viewed on the web at http://www.livejournal.com/users/olyecology or
by sending a blank email message to earthtreenews-subscribe@lists.riseup.net
--Alaska: 1) End logging subsidies
--British Columbia: 2) Protest to save medicinal gathering site, 3) Industry changes?
--Washington: 4) Cascade Land Conservancy, 5) DNR's massive boosts in
logging in Olympics, 6) Activist responds to DNR's logging boost, 7)
Turning a dump into a forest,
--Oregon: 8) Response to Seneca Jones Letter to Ed., 9) Another Andy Kerrism,
--Montana: 10) Pineros
--North Dakota: 11) Juniper cutting for endangered sheep opposed
--Ohio: 12) Loss of too many pines in the Oak Openings Preserve
--Canada: 13) Glen Davis shot, killed, 14) Catalog retailer campaign, 15) Boreal driftwood, 16) Boreal driftwood part2, 17) Trashing forests in Martin's Heron,
--Finland: 18) Prices of felled timber reach record level
--Africa: 19) Biomass mapping to help manage and preserve
--Uganda: 20) Victory for Mabira forest, 21) Chimps in reserves can't be sustained,
--Congo: 22) Discussing the crisis in the rainforest
--Panama: 23) Most diverse place in the world?
--Brazil: 24) Refusing to commit to specific emission reductions, 25) Atlantic Forest,
--Argentina: 26) Challenging fast-expanding soya plantations,
--Malaysia: 27) Does Government aid illegal logging?
--Indonesia: 28) Eco-tourism is underdeveloped, 29) Selling endangered
species, 30) biofuel empire builders, 31) Did they accept bribes? 32)
Courts fail to punish illegal loggers, 33) 'Jungle school' for orphaned
Orangutans, 34) Mangrove logging,
--Australia: 35) Campaign to end land clearing in NSW, 36) Shire council
won't call cops on Bodalla protestors, 37) more arrests in Bodalla, 38)
185ha in Ellis Creek saved,
--World-wide: 39) UN's Billion tree debacle,
Copyright © 2006, 2007 Earth's Tree News, All Rights Reserved.
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