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Energy: Solar, Wind, Wave, Tidal
Ocean Wave and Tidal Energy Conversion
Solar Water Heating Project
Ocean Wave and Tidal Energy Conversion by Roger Bedard
Roger Bedard is an Ocean Energy Leader with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in Palo Alto, California.
Many Thanks to Roger Bedard, EPRI, and Duke University for permission to podcast this Thursday, September 14, 2006 presentation at Duke University.
====> Click to Hear "Part 1 of the Presentation" (30 minutes)
====> Click to Hear "Part 2 of the Presentation" (25 minutes)
====> Click to Hear "Questions and Answers" (19 Minutes)
The following two Power Point presentations were used in Mr. Bedard's presentation: Power Point Part 1 and Power Point Part 2
The Following information is from the Duke Website: http://www.nicholas.duke.edu/cgc/seminars/#060914
Wave and tidal energy conversion are technologies whose time has come. Following extensive technology development over the past decade, primarily in Europe, North American electricity stakeholders are now becoming interested in applications of this technology. EPRI has conducted techno economic feasibility studies of wave and tidal energy over the past few years. These studies have had a significant impact. In June 2006, the first U.S. commercial wave energy project was announced, and a permit application filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Within two months of completing the North America Tidal In Stream Energy Conversion (TISEC) feasibility study in May 2006, private investors have filed approximately 30 permit applications with FERC for commercial plants. In Nova Scotia, a multimillion pilot tidal plant was announced by Nova Scotia Power for the Minas Passage in the Upper Bay of Fundy. This presentation will summarize the energy resource, the energy conversion technology status, and the performance, cost and economics of preliminary Wave and Tidal power plant designs in various locations in North America. Grid interconnection, environmental and regulatory issues will also be described as will current wave and tidal projects in process, both in North America and worldwide.
Mr. Roger Bedard currently is Ocean Energy Leader at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in Palo Alto, California. He has over 40 years of experience developing and leading technology research, development and demonstration projects. He led a collaborative wave energy conversion technology feasibility study in 2004 with state energy agencies and utilities in Maine, Massachusetts, Northern California, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii. Mr. Bedard also led a collaborative in stream tidal energy conversion technology feasibility study in 2005 for state energy agencies and utilities in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Maine, Massachusetts, Alaska, Washington and California.
Prior to joining EPRI, Mr. Bedard was Vice President at Alstom Robotics where he managed custom robotic projects for nuclear waste cleanup; at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory he managed the Mars Rover, the Army unmanned land vehicle technology programs and point focus distributed receiver solar thermal electric technology programs; and at Acurex he managed rocket nozzle materials characterization, torsion meter and point focus distributed receiver solar thermal electric technology programs. As an active duty Air Force Officer at the AF Rocket Propulsion Laboratory, he managed solid rocket propulsion technology programs.
Mr. Bedard has a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Rhode Island, a MS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Southern California, an Electrical Engineering degree from the National Technical Institute of Electronics and is a graduate of the NASA Senior Management Education Program and a distinguished graduate of the Air Force Officers Training School.
Solar Water Heating
Solar Installation Workshop
Take part in a solar hot water heating system installation: 4 panels on a low shallow roof, a solar tank and all controls and pumps. We will discuss the applicable site evaluation and associated engineering. We will also offer a discussion of how solar could work at your home and technical resources for solar pool heating and solar electric systems. Sponsored by Southern Energy Management
Southern Energy Management
Phone: 919-836-0330
Fax: 919-836-0305
====> Click to Hear "Questions/Answers part 01" (31 minutes)
====> Click to Hear "Questions/Answers part 02" (28 minutes)
====> Click to Hear "Questions/Answers part 03" (37 minutes)
====> Click to Hear "Basement part 01" (30 minutes)
====> Click to Hear "Basement part 02" (29 minutes)