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Please visit the BBC website for many high quality news reports: http://www.bbc.co.uk/
====>Click to View "Loan to Help Save Aral Sea" 9 Apr 2007
The Kazakhstan government has secured a multi-million dollar loan to help save the Aral Sea.
====>Click to View "New Dam Hope for Shrinking Sea" 18 May 2005
A new dam project is being hailed as the
last hope of survival for the rapidly shrinking Aral Sea in Central
Asia. The 13km dam will separate the smaller northern part of the sea
from the larger Southern Aral Sea. Jim Fish reports.
Copyright © 2005-2007 BBC, All Rights Reserved
Remembering the Gulf: Changes in the Sea of Cortez since Steinbeck and Ricketts' 1940 Expedition by Raphael D. Sagarin, Ph.D.
====>Click to hear "Changes in the Sea of Cortez" Part 1
====>Click to hear "Changes in the Sea of Cortez" Part 2
====>Click to hear "Changes in the Sea of Cortez" Q & A
Sunday, February 11, 2006, 5:00 pm, Raphael D. Sagarin, Ph.D.,
Remembering the Gulf: Changes in the Sea of Cortez since Steinbeck and
Ricketts' 1940 Expedition
One of the most well-known biological expeditions is the 1940 trip to
the Sea of Cortez (Gulf of California) by author John Steinbeck and his
close friend Edward F. Ricketts, a professional biologist. Steinbeck and
Ricketts visited 20 tidepool sites spread across the Gulf and made
extensive collections while taking notes on the fauna and natural
history of the region.
In 2004 Raphael retraced the Steinbeck and Ricketts journey, visiting
the same sites during the same time of year. Using the extensive
scientific and literary records made by Steinbeck and Ricketts as a
historical baseline, they were able to show massive ecological changes
to Sea of Cortez since 1940. These changes affect the tidepool and open
water species as well as the coastal human communities of Mexico.
Steinbeck and Ricketts were ahead of their time in terms of thinking
about the connections between all aspects of a natural system. By
putting their work in historical and global context, we can see how
changes to the Sea of Cortez are directly tied to devastating changes
scientists are observing throughout the Earth's oceans.
Raphael Sagarin, Ph.D., is Associate Director for Ocean and Coastal
Policy at the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at
Duke University
This Event was organized by The Chapel Hill Institute for Cultural and
Language Education (CHICLE): Please visit there website
(http://www.chi-cle.com) and subscribe to their email list of cultural
CHICLE is a full-service, locally owned language institute located in
Chapel Hill/Carrboro, North Carolina. We benefit from our location near
the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and are able to teach a
wide variety of languages, as well as some advanced classes that combine
language and literature. We have an excellent program for both children
and adults. Telephone: (919) 933-0398; Email: chicle@chi-cle.com
During the talk the point is made of purchasing sustainable fish. The Monterey Bay Aquarium Website can help in your next
seafood purchase. Another organization, the Marine
Stewardship Council (MSC) works to safeguard the world's seafood
supply by promoting the best environmental choice.
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Copyright © 2006, 2007 Raphael D. Sagarin, Ph.D., All Rights Reserved