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Biodiesel & Sustainability: Challenges & New Advances--A Panel
"Biodiesel & Sustainability: Challenges & New Advances--A Panel" - First
of a new series of NC Powerdown
events in Durham, North Carolina. The EcoLounge is a warehouse space
adjacent to Carolina Biofuels that we are developing for
enviro-edutainment events. Panelists included Leif Forer, one of the
founders of Piedmont Biofuels, who works closely with the NC Biofuels
Association, and Tim Angert, who works with David Thornton, the inventor
of the cavitator, in Design/Build at Piedmont Biofuels. Marc Dreyfors,
who is president of Carolina Biofuels and Barry Jones, who heads up
Carolina's biodiesel production operation. Organization's websites:
www.yikeslink.blogspot.com YIKES! - Youth Involved in Keeping Earth
====>Right Click to Download "Opening Remarks"
====>Right Click to Download "Panel Discussion Part 1"
====>Right Click to Download "Panel Discussion Part 2"
Copyright © 2008 NC Powerdown, All Rights Reserved.
"Bio-Diesel Overview" by Evan Ashworth
====>Click to hear "Bio-Diesel Overview" Part 1
====>Click to hear "Bio-Diesel Overview" Part 2
====>Click to hear "Bio-Diesel Overview" Part 3
Wednesday, March 14th, 2007 - Chapel Hill Public Library
Evan Ashworth has worked with Piedmont Biofuels for over two years. He
manages fuel distribution from the commercial-scale production plant in
Pittsboro, NC, operates the delivery tank truck, writes grants, and does
education and outreach work. He is a graduate of the Environmental
Studies Program at the University of Chicago, focusing on oil dependance
and alternative fuels.
Piedmont Biofuels can be contacted by writing/calling: P.O.
Box 661, Pittsboro, NC 27312 | 919-321-8260
"Organics Recycling" by Brian Rosa
====>Click to hear "Organics Recycling" Part 1
====>Click to hear "Organics Recycling" Part 2
Wednesday, January 10th at 7:30 p.m. - Carrboro Century Center.
Food Waste in North Carolina: Composting and Other Diversion
Technologies. Brian Rosa, Organics Recycling Coordinator for the
North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Assistance
will be our presenter. He will discuss our current food waste
practices including feeding hungry people, composting and providing
animal feed.
Brian Rosa
Organic Recycling Specialist
NC DENR, Division of Pollution Prevention & Environmental Assistance
Circle Talk After Movie: What A Way To Go: Life At The End Of Empire
The What A Way To Go: Life At The End Of Empire movie was produced by Sally C. Erickson, written and directed by Timothy S. Bennett.
Please go to their webpage to find more important information about the movie:
The What A Way To Go: Life At The End Of Empire movie is stunning and to the point. Anyone that sees it will feel the need to get involved in contributing their part toward the healing of the planet. Some important questions addressed in the film are:
* Peaking fossil fuel flow rates?
* Critically degraded ecosystems?
* A changing climate?
* An exploding global population?
* Teetering global economies?
* An unstable political climate?
Again visit the site for more information on showings in your area.
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
The What A Way To Go: Life At The End Of Empire movie
was shown on 25 March 2007 at the Community Church of Chapel Hill, Unitarian Universalist
in Chapel Hill, NC. Please listen to the interesting perspectives and
thoughts of a circle of about 30 people after the movie:
====>Click to hear "Circle Talk After Movie" Part 1
====>Click to hear "Circle Talk After Movie" Part 2
====>Click to hear "Circle Talk After Movie" Part 3
====>Click to hear "Circle Talk After Movie" Part 4
Copyright © 2007 whatawaytogomovie.com, All Rights Reserved.
Audubon North Carolina
Established in 1997, the state office of Audubon North Carolina grew out
of decades of volunteerism through chapters. Audubon North Carolina's
mission is to conserve and restore NC's ecosystems, focusing on the
needs of birds. Our approach combines historic strengths of solid,
deliberate science with direct protection, public education and
grassroots advocacy. With 10,500 Audubon members and 7 chapters across
the state, grassroots activists are the foundation of Audubon's history
and its future in North Carolina. Please go to their webpage and get involved:
====>Click to hear the "Presentation"
====>Click to hear the "Questions and Answers" session
Many Thanks to the NC Museum of Natural Sciences and Brent McCraven for recording this presentation.
Audubon North Carolina Executive Director, Chris Canfield
Thursday, March 29, 2007
7:00 p.m. at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences
Free & open to the public
Audubon NC Director to discuss OLF at Museum, March 29
RALEIGH - For the past four years, Audubon North Carolina Executive
Director Chris Canfield has led efforts to protect the Pocosin Lakes
National Wildlife Refuge from Navy
plans to build an adjacent jet landing field. Canfield, a former Air
Force officer in the Pentagon, will outline the issues surrounding the
controversial OLF (Outlying Landing Field) when he presents "Refuge at
Risk: The Navy and Pocosin Lakes" at the North Carolina Museum of
Natural Sciences on Thursday, March 29 at 7 p.m. The presentation is
free and open to the public.
The Pocosin Lakes refuge in eastern North Carolina is winter home to
more than 100,000 swans, geese and other large waterfowl. Construction
of a nearby landing strip is opposed by landowners, environmentalists
and wildlife advocates, as well as Gov. Easley, who has called on
Congress to block $10 million in federal funding for that site. Among
the biggest concerns cited by opponents is the risk of birds colliding
with jets - a problem that can cause jets to crash. To reduce the risk,
the Navy has proposed that farmers plant less enticing food crops near
the airstrip in the hope that this will discourage the birds from
flocking near the runway. Beyond that, the Navy has proposed using dogs
and fireworks to scare off birds, and potentially resorting to poison
and firearms.
Copyright © 2007 Audubon North Carolina, All Rights Reserved.
2007 SURGE Conference: Mary Anne Hitt, Keynote Address
The eighth annual Students United for a
Responsible Global Environment (SURGE) Conference was held at Duke
University on March 30 - April 1, 2007. The conference
focused on a variety of environmental, social justice and economic justice
issues. The Friday evening kickoff featured the Dean of the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University, Dr. William Schlesinger introducing keynote speaker Mary Anne Hitt
of Appalachian Voices at the Love Auditorium.
====>Click to hear "Introduction by Dr. William Schlesinger"
====>Click to hear "Mary Anne Hitt, Keynote Address"
====>Click to hear "Mary Anne Hitt, QA Session"
Copyright © 2007 SURGE, All Rights Reserved.