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Great Lakes
Barbara Spring: "The Dynamic Great Lakes"
Dave Dempsey: "On The Brink: The Great Lakes in the 21st Century"
Great Lakes Discussion: Michelle Hurd Riddick and Dave Dempsey
The Dynamic Great Lakes by Barbara Spring
====>Click to hear "The Dynamic Great Lakes: Part I Upper Great Lakes"
====>Click to hear "The Dynamic Great Lakes: Part II Lower Great Lakes"
Barbara Spring is a teacher, and a writer of non fiction and poetry. She has
worked on grassroots committees for many years for the betterment of the
Great Lakes. As a concerned citizen, she continues to speak at
governmental meetings that concern the Great Lakes. She also speaks at
schools, museums and service clubs to educate about the Great Lakes. Barbara can be contacted via her email address: barbaraspring@yahoo.com
She is the author of three books:
The Dynamic Great Lakes
The Wilderness Within and
Sophia's Lost and Found: Poems of Above and Below
Water Poetry
excerpted from Barbara Spring's books : Sophia's Lost and Found: Poems of
Above and Below and The Wilderness Within.
====>Click to hear Barbara's Water Poetry
Barbara Spring designed and taught environmental writing courses at Grand
Valley State University for many years and wrote articles for the Grand
Rapids Press and other publications.
The Dynamic Great Lakes website can be found by just typeing Dynamic Great Lakes into Google.
The Dynamic Great Lakes and her other books are available through
Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble or may be ordered from any bookstore.
Copyright © 2006, 2007 Barbara Spring
Dave Dempsey: "On The Brink: The Great Lakes in the 21st Century"
====>Click to hear "The National and Global Significance of the Great Lakes"
Dave Dempsey discusses the national and global significance of the Great
Lakes, which contain 18% of the world's available surface fresh water.
He describes the magnificence of the Lakes, the many human uses they
support, the pollution problems that threatened them in the mid-20th
Century, and how a change in consciousness, as well as public support,
helped clean them up. He closes by citing the many new and growing
threats to the Great Lakes and calls on citizens to call on their
governments to take decisive action to protect the Lakes -- and to make
changes in their daily lives that will add up to healthier Lakes.
Dave is a former member of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission. He has
authored three books, including"On the Brink: The Great Lakes in the 21st Century,
published in 2004 by Michigan State University Press. He
is a graduate of the master's program in natural resources at MSU. He
now lives in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Copyright © 2006, 2007 Dave Dempsey, All Rights Reserved
Great Lakes Discussion: Michelle Hurd Riddick and Dave Dempsey
Michelle is a life-long resident of the Saginaw Bay Watershed,
Michigan's largest. An environmental advocate for many years with Lone
Tree Council, Michelle is firmly grounded in the belief that Michigan's
greatest resource are her children and Great Lakes. Children and water,
moral imperatives which at the end of the day always speak volumes about
our priorities for life. The Lone Tree Council is the SBW longest
standing environmental organization dating back to 1978. An all
volunteer organization, Michelle has tackled solid waste, recycling,
incineration and childhood lead poisoning and prevention for the Lone
Tree Council. For the past five years her focus has been Dow Chemical's
dioxin contamination of 52 miles of river in the heart of the watershed.
Michelle is fond of saying she makes a living as a nurse but her real
passion is Michigan's natural resources and advocating for their
protection. Michelle is the 2005 recipient of the Michigan Environmental
Council's Petoskey Award for grassroots leadership. You can write her at
michdave@aol.com or visit the Lone Tree Council web site at
www.lonetreecouncil.com To learn about Dow's contamination go to
Dave Dempsey currently serves as Communications Director for
Conservation Minnesota, a nonprofit organization in Minneapolis,
Minnesota. He also consults for environmental and conservation
organizations in Minnesota and Michigan.
Dave has been active in environmental matters since 1982. He served as
environmental advisor to Michigan Governor James J. Blanchard from
1983-89. From 1991 to 1994, Dave was program director at Clean Water
Action. He served as Policy Director of the Michigan Environmental
Council from 1994 to 1999. President Clinton appointed him to serve on
the Great Lakes Fishery Commission in 1994, where he served until 2001.
Dave is a resident of St. Paul, Minnesota. He is the author of three
books: Ruin and Recovery: Michigan's Rise as a Conservation Leader, an
environmental history of Michigan since its statehood in 1837, published
by the University of Michigan Press in 2001; On the Brink: The Great
Lakes in the 21st Century, a history and look forward on the state of
the world's largest freshwater ecosystem, published by Michigan State
University Press in 2004; and a biography of Michigan's longest-serving
governor, William G. Milliken: Michigan's Passionate Moderate, published
by University of Michigan Press in 2006.
Dave has a bachelor of arts degree from Western Michigan University and
a master's degree in resource development from Michigan State
University, and served from 1999-2004 as an adjunct instructor at MSU in
environmental policy through the Department of Resource Development (now
Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies). He serves on
the board of directors of the Alliance for the Great Lakes.
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====>Click to hear "Fish Advisory Dow Dioxin"
Dow Chemical's dioxin contamination from its
world headquarters in Midland, MI. For decades Dow Chemical has used the
Tittabawassee River for a sewer. In geographic proportions this site is
enormous. 52 miles of river , the Tittabawassee and Saginaw leading out
to Lake Huron, thousands of acres of floodplain and properties through
several communities. A study done by the Michigan Department of
Community Health highlights the environmental justice issue of this
contamination. The less educated people are, people of color, migrant
workers and indigent residents are more likely to eat the fish from
these waters as well as eating the fish most contaminated. In the summer
of 2006 Lone Tree Council and a number of state wide groups and citizens
petitioned the federal government ( CDC) for a Health Consultation. We
are awaiting a determination. The MDCH Fish Consumption Study can be
viewed at
Copyright © 2007 Riddick/Dempsey, All Rights Reserved
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====>Click to hear "General Discuss Dow's Dioxin"
Michelle's advocacy and the difficulty posed when the polluter, Dow
Chemical, also happens to be a powerful Fortune 50 company. State of
Michigan sets a standard of 90 ppt and we have in excess of 100,000 ppt
in the rivers. Because of the very high levels of dioxins/furans every
study to date has shown dioxin being taken up by every living creature
on the flood plain. Taking a page out of the tobacco industry hand book,
Dow's PR machine continues to manufacture debate and create uncertainty
about the toxicity of dioxin to neutralize public opinion. And under the
guise of "uncertainty" public officials are given a place to retreat and
not take a position.
Copyright © 2007 Riddick/Dempsey, All Rights Reserved
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====>Click to hear "State of the Great Lakes"
Are the Great Lakes getting cleaner or dirtier? The answer is mixed.
Pollutants that were top priorities in the 1970s like phosphorus and
PCBs have been on the decline while new contaminants have worsened. The
loss of wetlands, which filter pollutants and provide habitat, and
increases in pollution from poorly planned development are causing new
problems. As the successes of the 1970s showed, the key to further
progress is citizen activism. Government only follows where citizens
Copyright © 2007 Riddick/Dempsey, All Rights Reserved
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====>Click to hear "Water Diversion"
It's a modern cliché: Water is the oil of the 21st Century. It also
happens to be true. About one-fifth of the world's fresh water is
harbored in the Great Lakes. Raging wildfires in the West and a sudden
water scarcity in the Southeastern U.S. have raised public awareness of
the significance of fresh water. The Great Lakes states and Canadian
provinces are seeking to prevent water exports through a new regional
compact and agreement. Unfortunately, a giant loophole in the agreement
allows unlimited exports in containers under 5.7 gallons in size:
bottles, for example. Citizens need to support compact ratification and
demand that the states go beyond it by shutting the loophole down.
Copyright © 2007 Riddick/Dempsey, All Rights Reserved
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====>Click to hear "Citizen Activism"
Lack of political leadership from on Dow Chemical's dioxin contamination
of Michigan's largest watershed and the overall lack of leadership in
the State of Michigan on the Great Lakes. The preservation and
protection of the Great Lakes need to be taken to the people to drive
the issue then elected officials will follow and do what's right.
Elected officials do not lead as a rule. Michigan needs a handful of
legislators who will rise up out of these waters, so to speak, and focus
their efforts on protecting what is Michigan's greatest economic
resource and our greatest legacy.
Copyright © 2007 Riddick/Dempsey, All Rights Reserved
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