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Southeast Convergence for Climate Action

Southeast Convergence for Climate Action

The Southeast Convergence for Climate Action, near Asheville, North Carolina, will bring together activists across the region who are fighting mountaintop removal mining and coal and nuclear power plants. Mountaintop removal coal mining is currently devastating the ecologically diverse southern Appalachian Mountains. The coal companies have literally flattened hundreds of square miles of mountains, destroyed thousands of miles of our life giving streams, and terrorized countless communities in the process. Meanwhile southern utility companies are planning a blitzkrieg of new dirty coal plants, despite our regions already dismal air quality. To add insult to injury these same utility companies are using climate change as a justification for building a new fleet of dangerous nuclear reactors.

With extreme weather, massive species extinctions, and melting ice caps becoming a more urgent and dire reality each day, it is high time for us to come together to take direct action against the root causes of climate change. This summer, environmental and social justice groups throughout the Southeast will come together for the Southeast Convergence for Climate Action, a gathering to learn and take collective action against climate Change.

The convergence will consist of a week of information and skill-based workshops, strategy sessions, and direct action aimed at building a no-compromise climate justice movement. With some of the Big Green environmental groups selling out to the nuclear and "clean" coal industries, and large, corporate-led climate initiatives designed to preempt any meaningful reductions in greenhouse gas emissions being pushed in DC, grassroots groups need to join forces with affected communities to fight the fossil fuel empire and create truly sustainable, community-based solutions outside of the capitalist system.

The Convergence for Climate Action will be a space to gain necessary skills for fighting climate change in your region; to network with a broad range of environmental and social justice activists; to engage in intensive strategy sessions aimed at mapping out effective approaches to fighting climate change on a regional level; to confront oppression in our organizing; and to take action.

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Organizing 101 - Listen to an organizing discussion with Avram Friedman of the Canary Coalition (http://canarycoalition.org/), Louis Zeller of the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, Abigail Singer of Rising Tide North America (http://risingtidenorthamerica.org),
and Panagioti of Everglades Earth First.

====>Click to hear Avram Friedman

====>Click to hear Louis Zeller

====>Click to hear Abigail Singer

====>Click to hear Panagioti


Nukes 101 - Mary Olson the director of the Nuclear Information and Resource Service Southeast (http://www.nirs.org) and Glenn Carrol discuss the dangerous concentration of Nuclear Energy Power Plants in the Southeast.

====>Click to hear Part 1

====>Click to hear Part 2

====>Click to hear Part 3


Anti-Oppression Training - Elandria Williams (http://highlandercenter.org/) organizes a great workshop getting people to consider how oppression can affect our lives on a daily basis and how our own actions can be oppressive.

====>Click to hear Introduction, Part 1

====>Click to hear Part 2 - possibly FF to the questions

====>Click to hear Part 3

====>Click to hear Part 4


Mountain Top Removal - Matt Noerpel of Coal River Mountain Water (http://crmw.net/) discusses Mountain Top Removal.

====>Click to hear Part 1

====>Click to hear Part 2


Interviews - Listen to six individuals discuss why they decided to attend the Southeast Convergence for Climate Action.

====>Click to hear Interviews


Genetically Engineered Trees - Listen to Eva Hernandez of the Dogwood Alliance (http://www.dogwoodalliance.org/) and Karen Charman an independent reporter discuss GE Trees and the large number of test plots located in the Southeast.

====>Click to hear Part 1

====>Click to hear Part 2


Gobal Nukes - John Sticpewich and Kevin Kamps (http://BeyondNuclear.org) discuss the dangers of the waste produced by Nuclear Energy Power Plants

====>Click to hear John Sticpewich, Part 1

====>Click to hear John Sticpewich, Part 2

====>Click to hear Kevin Kamps


Media Skills - Amanda Womac of Knoxville discusses effective techniques to ensure the best media coverage of your environmental action events.

====>Click to hear Part 1

====>Click to hear Part 2

====>Click to hear Part 3


Resisting the Coal Rush - Listen to a panel of speakers discuss their successful action campaigns against Coal. The panel consisted of Teresa Gigante (http://www.blackmesais.org/), Samuel Villaseñor (http://lvejo.org/), Joy Towles Ezell (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EANoF/), and Rhonda Roff (SaveItNowGlades.org).

====>Click to hear Part 1

====>Click to hear Part 2

====>Click to hear Part 3


Copyright © 2007 climateconvergence.org/southeast/, All Rights Reserved.

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For further information contact:

Joseph Puentes
email: Clean@h2opodcast.com
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